Updating the environment from your Scriptcase 9 to PHP 7.3

Updating the environment from your Scriptcase 9 to PHP 7.3

Starting from 9.4.016 release, ScriptCase will be able to work also with PHP 7.3

Important note:
        The PHP migration is not required. You can stil use older versions.
        ScriptCase will be maintened for PHP 7.0, receving several updates.

Before you transfer your projects (definitively) to an environment with PHP 7.3, we recommend you to run tests to ensure the correct functioning of them in the new environment.

In order to facilitate this test, we will leave for a limited time the import/restore of projects enabled in the trial version of Scriptcase. That way you can import them without having to register a license for this first time.

Check out the steps:

Testing my projects within PHP 7.3 environment

#Step 1: Backup of your projects

In your current installation, go to Options > Settings > Services > Backup and make a complete backup of your projects.

# Step 2: Download and install the version with the new PHP 7.3 environment.

Download Scriptcase from the link below:


After that, install the file you just downloaded.

    You can perform the installation in the same location as your 7.0 environment. Because the port and service name of Apache are different, there will be no conflicts.

# Step 3: Restore Project Backup

With the new Scriptcase installed, restore the backup you made in # Step 1 by going to the menu: Options > Settings > Services > Restore.

At the end of the restore process, if your projects are not being displayed, go to Settings> Administration again.

In the side menu, go to Security> Users, a list of users will be displayed

Edit the desired user, selecting the projects he will have access to.

After # Step 3, you can already perform the tests on your projects. Feel free to explore all the features and take the opportunity to publish them and check how it works also in the production environment.

Deployed projects:
    Projects deployed with ScriptCase PHP 7.3 will be compatible with production environment following versions: PHP 5.6, 7.0,7.1,7.2 and 7.3

Remembering that the trial version of Scriptcase is valid for only 20 days. If you need more time to test your projects, contact the sales team via email sales@scriptcase.com.br.

Registering my Scriptcase in PHP 7.3 after testing

If you have any questions, please contact our technical support for free. To do so, click on the link: https://www.scriptcase.net/support_trial/

Once your projects have been tested in the PHP 7.3 environment, you will need to register you license serial key within the newest Scriptcase installation.

To do so, you must log in to the site and "request for new installation" to get a new serial key and replace the once you are using.

Check how to do this process by clicking here.

If you are using a version earlier than Scriptcase 9 (V8, V7, V6...), you will need to do the conversion process for your projects.

For this, check out this tutorial to learn the steps.

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