Solving Source Guardian version problem

Solving Source Guardian version problem

In this tutorial, we will show how to solve the problem with Source Guardian version in Scriptcase installations.

Select your correspondent operating system to follow the right steps below:

  1. Linux
  2. Windows
  3. MacOS

By cryptography incompatibility issues and for the correct functioning of Scriptcase, like the license register, it is necessary to use a Source Guardian lesser version that 11.3.2 version.

It will be necessary to download the attached file according to your operating system. Download the correct file to avoid issues.


To realize this file change on Linux, it is necessary to know the extensions directory from PHP. By default in a manual installation on Debian\Ubuntu, the directory path is:


This path can vary according to the installation type that you have done. To verify the right path to this directory, you can access your info.php and search for the directive extension_dir , like in the image below:

After identifying the directory path, replace the original file by the download file in the extensions directory.

      sudo unzip
      sudo cp -f /home/$USER/Downloads/ixed.7.0.lin /usr/lib/php/20151012/ixed.7.0.lin

With this done, now it is necessary to restart  the apache service from your server. This action can be done with this command line below:

      sudo service apache2 restart

After that, verify in the info.php if your Source Guardian version has changed to 11.3 version.


To realize this file change on Windows, it is necessary to know the extensions directory from PHP. By default in a manual installation on Windows, the directory path is:


This path can vary according to the installation type that you have done. To verify the right path to this directory, you can access your info.php and search for the directive extension_dir , like in the image below:

  • After identifying the directory path, extract the attached file:

  • Then, replace the file in your extensions directory:

  • With this done, now it is necessary to restart  the apache service from your server. This action can be done through the Task Manager or the Services application.

The apache service name depends on the configuration type made in your server.

After that, verify in the info.php if your Source Guardian version has changed to 11.3 version.


To realize this file change on MacOS, it is necessary to know the extensions directory from PHP. By default in a manual installation on Mac, the directory path is:


This path can vary according to the installation type that you have done. To verify the right path to this directory, you can access your info.php and search for the directive extension_dir , like in the image below:

After identifying the directory path, replace the original file by the download file in the extensions directory.

      sudo unzip
      sudo cp -f ~/Downloads/ixed.7.0.dar /Applications/Scriptcase/v9/components/php/ext/ixed.7.0.dar

With this done, now it is necessary to restart  the apache service from your server. This action can be done with this command line below:

         sudo /

After that, verify in the info.php if your Source Guardian version has changed to 11.3 version.

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