Scriptcase Installer for Windows - PHP 7.3

Scriptcase Installer for Windows - PHP 7.3

The Scriptcase installer installs Apache, PHP, and Scriptcase on your operating system. The installer does not include a database.


To download the Scriptcase Installer, go to our download page clicking here.

Listed below are all the supported operating systems as well as the libraries that are required to function on a particular system.

Check the list of supported operating systems:

  • Windows 7 SP1 or Higher
  • Windows Vista SP2 or Higher
  • Windows Server 2012 or Higher
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 or Higher

For Windows 7, you must verify if the system has the following items installed:
Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio (2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015) x86 and x64.

Choosing settings in the Installer

Installing Scriptcase with PHP 7.3 will not conflict with an existing Scriptcase installation with PHP 7.0. The Installer configures an Apache service (ApacheScriptcase9php73) with a different port (8091) then the installer with PHP 7.0.

Will be automatically installed on the operating system:

  • Apache Web Server v2.4.39.
  • PHP 7.3 with extensions MBSTRINGZIPBCMATH, and GD enabled.
  • Ioncube: PHP Loader v10.3.8.
  • Scriptcase 9.
1 - Choose the installation language.

You can select the language that will be displayed in the installation process. This step does not select the Scriptcase interface language, only the installer language.
Click Ok to continue.

2 - Click “Next” to continue.

3 - Read and accept the terms of the license agreement.

Click Next to continue.

4 - Enter the installation directory.

The default installation path is “C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php73”. It is not recommended to make any changes to this path unless it is necessary.

Installation directory
In this option, you can set the installation path.
: This button lets you select the installation folder or create a new one.
Click Next to continue.

5 - Configure Scriptcase Apache.

Here will define in which port the Scriptcase Apache service will run on. We recommend using the value set in this installation. (8091).

Admin Email
You can configure Apache administrator email for better control of your environment. This setting serves as information when a server error occurs. A message will appear along with the administrator email to be contacted.

Apache Domain
The Apache domain must be set here. We do not recommend making any changes to the default value.

PHP TimeZone
In this option, you can set your PHP TimeZone. It is recommended to select the option corresponding to your time zone. You can check the list of available TimeZones here.
Click Next to continue.

6 - Clicking “Next” will start the installation process.

Wait until all components are installed and the environment is set up.

7 - Allow Apache to run on private and public networks (Firewall).

You must check both options to allow Scriptcase Apache to run on the operating system.

8 - Complete the installation.

View the “Read Me” file
Clicking finish will show the “Read Me” file with all the necessary initial information and helpful links.

Open Scriptcase 9
Clicking “Finish”, will open Scriptcase in your default browser.

Access the Scriptcase

You can access your Scriptcase in two ways:
1 - Access your browser and enter the local IP address and port you selected in the Apache setup.

2 - After Scriptcase installation, run the shortcut created on your desktop. Just click on this shortcut twice and Scriptcase will open in your default browser.

Login to Scriptcase
After accessing the Login page, you must enter the username and password to proceed to your development environment.

In this field, you must enter the user to login to Scriptcase. By default, the user is admin.

In this field, you must enter the password to login to Scriptcase. By default, the password is admin.

Keep me logged in
This option keeps the user logged in until they log out through the Scriptcase interface.

Forgot your password?
By clicking on this option, it is possible to recover the password of the informed user. An email will be sent to the user so they can access the recovery steps. Password recovery will only be possible if you have configured your SMTP information. See this article Setting password recovery in Scriptcase.

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