How to Generate the Report for PHP Migration

How to Generate the Report for PHP Migration

In order to assist clients who use Scriptcase with an outdated version of PHP (7.0 or 7.3), we have prepared a guide to help with project migration.
To assist with the migration, it is necessary to send a report containing some information about the projects for analysis.
Note that installations in environments with PHP 7.0 no longer receive updates due to incompatibility with the new libraries offered in the latest versions.
For PHP 7.3 users, Scriptcase updates will be maintained until June 30, 2025. After this date, no further updates will be released for Scriptcase in these environments.

What will be generated in the report?

  1. Total PHP code in the applications.
  2. Number of applications in the project.
  3. Code snippets that need to be adjusted to work with PHP 8.1.

WarningThe report is generated in a ZIP file, without exposing sensitive data or accessing your database.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generate the Report

This tutorial will use an environment with PHP 7.3 for illustration. The steps are the same regardless of your PHP version.

1- Download the file corresponding to the PHP version where Scriptcase is installed. 
If you are unsure about the PHP version in use, consult the Scriptcase diagnosis
  1. For environments with PHP 7.0 - Download the file sc_projects_info.enc70.php
  2. For environments with PHP 7.3 - Download the file sc_projects_info.enc73.php

2- After downloading, place the file in the main Scriptcase folder.

3- Access the file through the URL  in your preferred browser.

4- The existing projects in your Scriptcase installation will be listed along with the options for generating the report: All and Select.

All - Generates the report for all Scriptcase projects.
Select - Generates the report only for the selected projects.

After choosing the desired option, click OK and wait.

5- Upon completion, a .zip file containing the collected information will be generated.
  1. Total PHP code in the applications.
  2. Number of applications in the project.
  3. Code snippets that need to be adjusted to work with PHP 8.1.

WarningThis report is generated in a ZIP file, without exposing sensitive data or accessing your database.

Sending the file

The generated file must be sent to our team of specialists using the email, so that the project can be analyzed.

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