How to do a Offline Registration
This type of registration has two steps:
- Offline Request - In this step we will generate and validate a file that will be used in the Offline Registration step.
- Offline Registration - In this step, in possession of the .lic file, we will register the Scriptcase.

Offline Registration is used when Scriptcase is installed on machines/servers with restrictions or that do not have internet access.
Follow the steps below:
Required Data
To register the scriptcase you need to have:
- License owner login and password. It is the same account used during the license purchase process.
- Serial with the status Open.

If you have made a recent purchase, your serial number will be sent along with the purchase confirmation email.
Accessing the Offline Request screen
1. With these data, access your Scriptcase installation using the browser of your choice.
Example of access with local installation
- localhost:8092/scriptcase
Example of access with server installin
2. After the login access the menu: Options > Settings
3. Then, in the Licenses block in the side menu, click on Offline Request
Offline Request
In this step we will generate a file .req, for that, access data to the license owner's website and a license available for registration (Open status) will be required.

If you have made a recent purchase, your serial number will be sent along with the purchase confirmation email.
4. Inform the Login and Password of the license owner and the Serial that will be used to register the Scriptcase.
5. Click Download to download the file scriptcase_v9.req.

To do the next step, you will need to use a machine with internet access.
Download tje arquivo .lic
6. With the .lic file, go to the following link:
7. Inform the serial that will be used to register and perform the arquivo .req upload, that had been downloaded at the step 5.

The Serial entered in this step must be the same used in step 4 of the tutorial, in the Offline Request
8. Do the download of .lic file created by clicking in Download.

This file will be used to register Scriptcase.
Offline Registration
9.Back in Scriptcase, access the menu again in Options > Settings . at the block license, in the menu side bar , click in Offline Registration.
10. Enter the Login and Password of the license owner and the Serial used in the previous steps and click Register.

On the Offline License Registration screen, we must inform the same data (User, Password and Serial) used in step 4 of this tutorial, in the Offline Request.
11.After clicking Register, a confirmation message will be displayed.

After registration, you will be redirected to the Scriptcase login screen.

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