Scriptcase Applications
Change the charset to view the records.
When an error appears in the charset of the special characters as in the image below: This happens when the database charset and the script case charset are not the same but we can no longer edit it in the database. We use the following code in the ...
Example animation inside scriptcase
This is an example of how to place animation on the form sheet, 1 - We go to the page of to download the .zip of the animations. 2 - Downloading the .zip we proceed to load the downloaded file as an external ...
Hide new grid button at runtime
To hide the grid buttons we will use the sc_btn_display() macro, this macro shows and hides the buttons in the toolbar at run time. 1- We use this macro in the OnScriptInit event of our grid, referring to our new button as “new”: 2- We run the ...
Add a record to another table from a condition
1- We create a form where we will perform the validation. 2- In the OnValidate event of our form we introduce the code with this scheme if (condition == condition) { insert the data to the other table; } else { echo "no records added"; } 3- this will ...
Using a TAB application with several applications and with a single parameter
This example will show how you can pass parameters from a Grid to another TAB application so that it can be used to execute SQL queries in different applications contained in the TAB. 1. Two applications of the Grid type must be created, both must ...
PHPSpreadSheet library with Scriptcase
1- We download the external library PHPSpreadSheet without composer 2- Then we proceed to load the external library in the scriptcase: ...
Notifications in Scriptcase
1- We proceed to download the external push notification library 2- We load the external library in our scriptcase, we can follow this tutorial if necessary: ...
How to switch between themes dynamically through the Menu app
In Scriptcase, it's possible to dynamically switch between themes by activating a Menu option, to enable that option, simply follow the steps below: Note The chosen project must have more than one theme selected, otherwise it will not be possible to ...
How to create an application link
Application Link: This is used to link the application with any other type of project application. This type of link is associated with insert and update events. How to do an application link: Open your application and go to the “Application Links” ...
How to create a field link
Field Link: Used to create a navigation link in a grid column for any existing project application. When you select this type of link, all grid fields will be displayed in a select so that you can select the one to place the link on. The application ...
How to create a capture link
Capture Link: Used for the grid filter form, it imports data from another grid into the filter form field. Selecting the capture link type will display a list of fields in the filter form so that you select the field that will receive the data ...
How to create an edit link
Edit Link: Used to edit grid records through a Form. In the generated grid a link will be displayed on each row for editing the record. By clicking on the link, the form of the selected record can be displayed in various ways (in an iframe, in a ...
How to create a button link
Button Link: Used to link the application with any other type of project application. In this type of link a button is used as a link between applications. How to do a button link Make a link button in your application. Set the button as a link ...
Converting Projects to Scriptcase 9
Scriptcase allows you to port your projects through project chat easily. Thus, projects developed on any older version of the tool can benefit from all the new features available in version 9. Check out what's new in version 9.4 on our landing page. ...
Using two search applications to access a form
In this example we are going to create 2 applications of the "Search" type, and 1 application of the "Form" type. In the Search type applications, we will use the "customers" and "orders" tables, however, we will select only a few fields from each ...
CEP Type Field
This feature is only available for Brazilian scriptcase installations
Adding new columns in the table for Calendar
If your calendar application is already created, we must add the fields below in the table so that the new functionalities work correctly: category int id_api varchar(255) id_event_google varchar(255) recur_info varchar(255) event_color varchar(255) ...
Recent Articles
Upgrading the Security Module: how to migrate from the old to the new
Web application attacks are constantly evolving. With data being such a valuable asset, it is crucial to keep system security updated to avoid losses. The new security module, besides being extremely flexible and intuitive, implements several ...
File Transfer via FTP
1. Obtain FTP Access Credentials Host: usually the address of your server or something like User: provided by your hosting provider. Password: set by you or provided by the provider. Port: usually port 21 for FTP. 2. Choose an FTP ...
Configure Greylisting
Greylisting protects email users from spam. When you enable greylisting, the email server temporarily rejects any email from a sender that the server does not recognize. If the email is legitimate, the server that sent it will try to send the email ...
Step 1Logged into your cPanel in the “EMAIL” tab, locate the “Forwarders” item. Step 2 Nesta tela na opção de “Gerenciamento” você pode escolher se deseja criar encaminhador para apenas um domínio ou para todos os domínios da sua conta. Agora você ...
How to create email accounts
To create email accounts you need to have access to cPanel. Step 1 The first step will be to log in to your cPanel panel. Within your cPanel you must locate the Email section and then go to the "Email Accounts" item. Step 2 On this screen, you must ...