Scriptcase Applications
Resolving email sending issues with the sc_mail_send macro on Linux or Mac.
If, when using the sc_mail_send macro in a Linux or MAC environment, the following error occurs: Fatal error: Uncaught Swift_TransportException: Connection could not be established with host [ #0] in ...
Retrieve password
An inconsistency was observed when trying to reset the password using the "app_retrieve_pswd" application. The correction was made for new modules, created from release 9.10.001. For modules created in previous releases that use this option, we must ...
Security module password recovery error
To fix the error during the security module password recovery process, you need to follow the steps below: Only available when using the option to email the change new password link. 1- Access the application app_change_pswd By default, when ...
Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
You can come across this error when running a login application created by a security module generated before Scriptcase 9.8. This error occurs only in an environment with PHP 8 or superior because of a change in the array elements access, that now ...
Hide/Show "Remember Me" Field on Login Screen with HTML Template
In this article, we will learn how to enable the "Hide/Show" feature that is available within the "Security -> Settings" option, for the "Remember Login" field that is found on the login screen that was generated with the HTML template. Currently, ...
Hide/Show "Retrieve Password" field on login screen with HTML template
In this article, we will learn how to enable the "Hide/Show" feature that is available within the "Security -> Settings" option, for the "Retrieve Password" field that is found on the login screen that was generated with HTML template. Currently, ...
Hide/Show "New User" field on login screen with HTML template
In this article, we will learn how to enable the "Hide/Show" feature that is available within the "Security -> Settings" option, for the "New User" field found in the login screen that was generated with HTML template. Currently, this feature is ...
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in the Security of our Project
Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides more security for projects developed in ScriptCase, as well as for users of this project. In this article, we'll look at how to enable the use of two-factor authentication (2FA) when creating the project's ...
See how to generate recaptcha credentials
ReCAPTCHA is an API provided by Google for forms. It adds security, preventing automatic submission of forms through robots. reCAPTCHA sample: First, we must request an API Key to activate reCAPTCHA into a Scriptcase application by following the ...
Generating Credentials for Authentication with Twitter
In this article, we will learn how to generate credentials (API Key and API Key Secret) for authentication and access to our project developed in ScriptCase through Twitter. Account Creation 1 - The first step is to create a Twitter account through ...
Authentication with Facebook from a Control application
In the Control application, there is a feature on the left side menu called "Authentications". In this feature, there are authentication options for the Control application with Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. For this article, we'll learn how to use ...
Defining extensions for upload type fields
In ScriptCase, when we define a field as upload type in a Form, it is extremely important to define the Extensions allowed for this field. This setting makes these fields accept only as installation in the configuration, prevented or uploading ...
How to configure a new rule in the Save grid option
The Option Save Query allows the layouts to be saved publicly or with restricted access. * Public - Anyone who has access to the application will have access to the saved Layout * Use Rule - Allows the layouts to be saved with restricted access. In ...
How to change the application's state in run time
To change the properties of application execution, changing their form of execution than initially planned, Scriptcase has a macro called sc_apl_conf. The macro should be used as follows: sc_apl_conf ( Application , property , value ) ; So, we can ...
Using Ajax Processing(Refresh)
In this article we will learn how to use the "Ajax Processing" function available in Scriptcase. As an example, we have a control-type application with two select fields ("state" and "city"), where when we select the state we will use ajax processing ...
Email Export in Grid
In the Query applications, you can configure the email export. This feature is used to export the Grid and send the export directly by e-mail to the configured recipients. E-mail export settings can be visualized in the Email export menu. Next, you ...
Setting the Group by level in PDF exports of the Grid chart
In the Grid applications, when the grid has more than one break level, it is possible to define what level of breakage the graph will be generated in the PDF export. To enable this option, go to the Export menu and enable the Level selection of the ...
Creating a field that verifies values in another table
In this tutorial, we will see how use a field with type “Select” to checks values that are in another tables. For example, we are using two tables: “states”(that will include the values to be checked) and “city” (that will receive the values that are ...
Enabling Nested Grid export on XLS
You can enable Nested Grid exports when you want to export in XLS format. This option is useful when you want to generate complete XLS reports. To enable Nested Grid export, go to the menu Nested Grid -> Settings. Then, in the XLS option, you can ...
Using tags in the grid search
When we are using the search in the Grid applications, we can enable the display of the tags for the searched values. This option can be adjusted in the Advanced Search settings. Enable the option Display tags. Then run the application and access the ...
Using inline buttons in the Advanced Grid Search
When you are using the advanced filter in Grids you can configure the button display mode. In order to do this, you must access the Advanced Search toolbar, as shown below. On the toolbar configuration screen, enable the Use buttons inline option. ...
Email Export in Charts
In Chart applications you can configure the export by email feature. This feature is used to export the Charts and send the export directly by e-mail to the configured recipients. The e-mail export settings can be viewed in the Email Export menu. ...
Generating Credentials for Authentication with Facebook
In this article, we will learn how to generate credentials (App ID and Secret) for authentication and access to our project developed in ScriptCase through Facebook. 1 - The first step is to create a Facebook account as a "developer". We need to ...
Using tags in the Chart search
When we are using the search in the Chart applications, we can enable the display of the tags for the searched values. This option can be adjusted in the Advanced Search settings. Enable the option Display tags. Next, run the application and access ...
New export formats in Chart applications
With the new Scriptcase 9.1, new export formats were added to the Chart applications. Now it is possible to export to the formats PDF, WORD, XLS, XML, CSV, RTF, Image and Print. Check below the steps to enable the new export formats. In the Chart ...
Configuring Generation of PDF
1- For we set the PDF to be generated by the application, we must select the folder item Export in the Grid as shown in the image below: 2- You can edit this session, a number of parameters to generate the format PDF our GRID. Note that ...
Application Diagram – Graphiz Installation on Debian based Linux Platform
Scriptcase allows to generate a demonstration diagram of how the applications are organized for accessibility. To generate this diagram, it's necessary to install a program called GraphViz (Graph Visualization Software), in this tutorial we'll show ...
Using ajax: onChange events
In this article we will see how the onChange event works, available in Scriptcase. It is triggered when the object, which makes use of it, has its value changed. Down below is an example of using this event. We will use an order items form, we will ...
Enabling hotkeys on Scriptcase
Scriptcase has shortcut keys for various features within the tool. The use of shortcut keys makes it easier to manipulate the tool, making access to features more intuitive and quick. To enable hotkeys, go to the top menu Options -> My Scriptcase. On ...
Creating a Dashboard application
In this tutorial we will show how to create and configure an Dashboard. This application lets you display several types of nested widgets applications. - First we must create a Dashboard application. 1. Creating a new Dashboard application. - Then we ...
Crear menú de aplicación
En este tutorial le mostraremos cómo crear una aplicación de menú. Después de crear el proyecto, se mostrará una pantalla con todas las aplicaciones disponibles para su creación. Seleccione el menú de la aplicación, ingrese el nombre y el idioma a ...
Calendar By User
In this example we'll show a connection between an application of Control and the Calendar. This feature can be used for a particular user to view your timetable where their activities are scheduled. Step 1: We will create a calendar, link: (See here ...
Gantt Chart
With this tutorial you will learn to create a Gantt chart from the structure of your table in the database to generate the chart itself. In this tutorial we will use a MYSQL database for table creation. 1. With the SQL command below will create the ...
Melhorando performance do banco de dados com MySQL Tuner
Você pode baixar todo o repositório usando ‘git clone’ seguido pela URL clonagem acima. O método mais simples e mais curto é: wget -O wget ...
Filter on Form Aplication
This application filters data that will be displayed on editing forms. This type of application necessarily works linked to a form. The table used to create this application must be the same as the one used to create the form. In this article we ...
Use of the log in Scriptcase
We proceed to create a security module to use the log. 1 - Follow this tutorial to create a security module: 2 - Proceed with the log in the top menu option Module > Log > ...
Limit number of records to be displayed in the Grid
To limit the number of records to be displayed, we will use the Limit function within the query where they bring the data of a certain table. For example in this way: Then only 5 records are shown:
Error sending mail: stream_socket_client()
When you want to send an email and show this error: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed ...
Filtering data within a grid
To filter certain information within a Grid, the WHERE clause can be used. - An application of the Grid type must be created 2. Then within the query that is going to be done, the filter is placed in a field and a global variable will be used to ...
Open PDF in the Browser
Create an application of the type PDF In the configuration section we select the following option:
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