Updating the Security Module to Support the New LDAP
LDAP is a widely used protocol for user management and authentication in corporate networks. It allows applications to connect to a centralized directory with Active Directory to validate credentials and obtain user information. In version 9.12, ...
Upgrading the Security Module: how to migrate from the old to the new
Web application attacks are constantly evolving. With data being such a valuable asset, it is crucial to keep system security updated to avoid losses. The new security module, besides being extremely flexible and intuitive, implements several ...
History and Version Increment in ScriptCase
One of the biggest dilemmas of working on development projects is with respect to project versions. One of the most common mistakes is to program on top of some implementation already carried out, and with that, end up overwriting documents. This ...
How to add themes to an existing project
In the project creation process, we must select the themes that will be part of the project. If you want to add new themes to previously created projects, follow the step by step below. Adding theme to the project 1 - First, add the new theme within ...
Default values in Scriptcase
In Scriptcase, default values help to standardize project information, so it is much faster to create some items since there is no need to worry about features that will be standardized thanks to this important feature in our tool. Below you can ...
Project Search
The Application Search option is ideal for large projects, which contain many applications. With this search tool it is possible to search among the applications created in Scriptcase from a word. 1. To access the application search, go to the menu ...
Recent Articles
How to update Scriptcase
How to update Scriptcase Step 1. On the cPanel home page, find the "Scriptcase" icon in the SOFTWARE section and click on the icon. Step 2. Select the desired Scriptcase installation for the update. Step 3. Select the "Update" option. Wait for the ...
How to open a ticket.
How to open a ticket. To open a ticket in the customer area of Scriptcase Host, follow these steps: 1. Access the client area at 2. Log in with your username and password. 3. In the menu, click on ...
How to Create an Upgrade/Downgrade Request
How to Create an Upgrade/Downgrade Request Within the client area, go to Services. Then, select the service you want to upgrade or downgrade and click on "Manage." In the "Actions" options on the right, click on "Create Upgrade/Downgrade Request." ...
Updating the Security Module to Support the New LDAP
LDAP is a widely used protocol for user management and authentication in corporate networks. It allows applications to connect to a centralized directory with Active Directory to validate credentials and obtain user information. In version 9.12, ...
Updating the Security Module to Support Google Login
With the replacement of the NCP protocol with the ARPANET TCP/IP protocol, the internet gained space to evolve constantly. As more people joined the internet, things needed to happen faster, making the evolution process almost exponential: the faster ...