How to generate auth_code and token_code
In this article, you can see how to generate the auth_code and token_code, necessary to use the sc_api_upload and sc_api_download. These keys must be generated individually, follow the steps below to generate them without error. To use the upload ...
Using the sc_confirm macro
In this article, see a practical example of using the sc_confirm macro. This macro can only be used on PHP buttons created in the toolbar of form and control applications, with the aim of confirming the action's excursion. See how to create a PHP ...
Example of sc_apl_conf
In this example we will see how to make a form start blank with the macro sc_apl_conf. 1. We create an application of the Form type 2. Then in the onApplicationInit event we use the macro sc_apl_conf: 3. We save the changes and execute the ...
Dynamically change the theme of a project with the sc_set_theme macro
Scriptcase provides macros, functions created by the developers of Scriptcase, which will assist in customizing applications as well as simplifying code editing at events. In this article, we will see how to use the sc_set_theme macro in practice, to ...
sc_alert - Show Error Message with SweetAlert (error)
To use the new SweetAlert functionality and display an error message, the following parameters must be taken into account: When executing it would look like this:
sc_alert - Show Confirmation Message with SweetAlert (success)
To use the new SweetAlert functionality and display a confirmation message, the following parameters must be taken into account: When executing it would look like this:
sc_alert - Show Information Message with SweetAlert (info)
To use the new SweetAlert functionality and display an information message, the following parameters must be taken into account: When executing it would look like this:
Show Warning Message with SweetAlert (warning) - sc_alert
To use the new SweetAlert functionality and display a warning message, the following parameters must be taken into account: When executing it would look like this:
Show Question Message with SweetAlert - sc_alert
To use the new SweetAlert functionality and display a question message, the following parameters must be taken into accoun: When executing it would look like this:
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