Updating the Security Module to Support Google Login
With the replacement of the NCP protocol with the ARPANET TCP/IP protocol, the internet gained space to evolve constantly. As more people joined the internet, things needed to happen faster, making the evolution process almost exponential: the faster ...
Enabling the Google Identity Service Library
To use the login functionality with Google Authentication in Scriptcase, it is necessary to have the Google Identity Service previously configured and the "ClientID" and "Secret" keys available for use. In this article, we will learn how to configure ...
Update of the security module synchronization application
In order to improve security in our projects, we made several changes to the application files. One of these changes affected a crucial file that tells applications how to sync. To ensure that the synchronization continues to work correctly, we made ...
Creating a Field grouping
See how to create groups of fields in a simple way in the query application. 1. In a grid application, access the Fields menu and click New field. 2. Set the quantity and click Continue. In this case we only need one field. 3. On the field inclusion ...
Getting Credentials on Stripe
1. Create a Stripe account https://stripe.com/br 2. Access the dashboard and activate the test mode 3. Click on developers 4. Click API Keys SPECIFICATIONS Test Mode Secret Key: Use this key to authenticate requests to your server when in test mode. ...
Creating your credentials in Mercado Pago
Access the development panel of your applications. https://www.mercadopago.com.br/developers/panel 2. Enter creation settings. 3) Enter the creation settings. * Application name: Name to refer to your application. * Type of payment to integrate: ...
Getting Credentials on Braintree
1-Access your Braintree Sandbox or Production account Log in to your Braintree account To use the API it is necessary to have an account. 2 - Acesse o dashboard no menu Settings > API 3 - In the Private Key column, click on the View link to access ...
Creating Your Credentials for the Google Sheets API
Creating your credentials 1 - Log in with your Google account in the reserved area where you can configure Google APIs, from this URL: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library 2 - If you already have projects created, just click on the selected ...
How to use the Accent insensitive option
To use this option in applications that use PostgreSQL it will be necessary to enable the UNACCENT extension. This extension is natively available in PostgreSQL as of version 10 Enabling extension 1 - Connect to your DB instance as a user who has ...
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How to update Scriptcase
How to update Scriptcase Step 1. On the cPanel home page, find the "Scriptcase" icon in the SOFTWARE section and click on the icon. Step 2. Select the desired Scriptcase installation for the update. Step 3. Select the "Update" option. Wait for the ...
How to open a ticket.
How to open a ticket. To open a ticket in the customer area of Scriptcase Host, follow these steps: 1. Access the client area at https://clientarea.scriptcase.host/clientarea.php. 2. Log in with your username and password. 3. In the menu, click on ...
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How to Create an Upgrade/Downgrade Request Within the client area, go to Services. Then, select the service you want to upgrade or downgrade and click on "Manage." In the "Actions" options on the right, click on "Create Upgrade/Downgrade Request." ...
Updating the Security Module to Support the New LDAP
LDAP is a widely used protocol for user management and authentication in corporate networks. It allows applications to connect to a centralized directory with Active Directory to validate credentials and obtain user information. In version 9.12, ...
Updating the Security Module to Support Google Login
With the replacement of the NCP protocol with the ARPANET TCP/IP protocol, the internet gained space to evolve constantly. As more people joined the internet, things needed to happen faster, making the evolution process almost exponential: the faster ...