Environment Settings
Setting password recovery in Scriptcase
To configure the password recovery, it's necessary to do some steps so that works correctly. To the recovery happens, will be necessary that you have and configure a SMTP server. After login, you'll access the menu Options > Settings > System ...
GoJS Library is no longer available
GoJS library is no longer available for native use in Scriptcase. We have purchased a GoJS O&M license for Scriptcase 9 and, by our understanding, we could distribute GoJS to any number of end users, however we were recently contacted by Northwoods ...
Execution of reCaptcha Displays Error - MacOS
If the error below is displayed when submitting the form / control with reCaptcha, perform the following steps: Warning: file_get_contents (): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error: 14090086: SSL routines: ...
Manual Update - Mac OS
Before performing any procedure we recommend performing a backup of your projects. To back up Scriptcase: Go to Settings> Administration, in the side menu go to Services> Backup. A file (.ZIP) will be generated with all your projects, save this file ...
Manual Update - Linux
Before performing any procedure we recommend performing a backup of your projects. To back up Scriptcase: Go to Options > Settings, in the side menu go to Services > Backup. A file (.ZIP) will be generated with all your projects, save this file to a ...
Manual Update - Windows
Before performing any procedure, we recommend performing a backup of your projects. To back up Scriptcase: Go to Settings > Administration, in the side menu go to Services > Backup. A file (.ZIP) will be generated with all your projects, save ...
How to connect to MySQL 8.0
The MySQL 8 uses a different authentication from your predecessors, that until the moment it's not accepted by PHP 7, that generates the error "The server requested authentication method unknown to the client" at connecting to Scriptcase. First, you ...
Updating Scriptcase's PHP
Currently, the installation of Scriptcase 9.x comes with version 7.0.14 of PHP, unfortunately, this version has a compatibility problem with the new version of authentication of MySQL 8.0, so it is necessary to perform the PHP update so the ...
Recent Articles
How to Generate a Project Report for PHP Migration
In order to assist clients who use Scriptcase with an outdated version of PHP (7.0 or 7.3), we have prepared a guide to help with project migration. To assist with the migration, it is necessary to send a report containing some information about the ...
Upgrading the Security Module: how to migrate from the old to the new
Web application attacks are constantly evolving. With data being such a valuable asset, it is crucial to keep system security updated to avoid losses. The new security module, besides being extremely flexible and intuitive, implements several ...
File Transfer via FTP
1. Obtain FTP Access Credentials Host: usually the address of your server or something like ftp.yoursite.com. User: provided by your hosting provider. Password: set by you or provided by the provider. Port: usually port 21 for FTP. 2. Choose an FTP ...
Configure Greylisting
Greylisting protects email users from spam. When you enable greylisting, the email server temporarily rejects any email from a sender that the server does not recognize. If the email is legitimate, the server that sent it will try to send the email ...
Step 1Logged into your cPanel in the “EMAIL” tab, locate the “Forwarders” item. Step 2 Nesta tela na opção de “Gerenciamento” você pode escolher se deseja criar encaminhador para apenas um domínio ou para todos os domínios da sua conta. Agora você ...