Environment Settings
Setting environment manually PHP 5.4 - Linux
Manually Configuring Php on Debian-based distros First edit the sources.list file: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list Add the following line to the end of the file: deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org all wheezy Update your system: sudo apt-get update ...
Parallel Installation of Scriptcase
Never delete the directory where you installed your Scriptcase The procedures in this tutorial, explain only how to install the Scriptcase manually. We recommend to create a backup of your scriptcase before proceeding the update, in Options->Settings ...
How to create a simple LDAP Database on Linux
Creating a simple LDAP Database on Linux. Installing and configuring slapd We are going to use OpenLDAP(slapd) to build a LDAP database accessible for the security module WITHOUT simulating an Active Directory. This tutorial will create an LDAP ...
How to create a LDAP Database on Windows Server
Creating a LDAP Database on Windows Server. Server Manager Image 01: Server manager option on the startup menu. In Windows Server is natively possible to create a LDAP database to feed an Active Directory structure. We will need to access the Server ...
Fixing the problem of Zendid Execute Permission
Some users receive a problem related to permission Zendid, that block them to register their Scriptcase. The error can be verified at your Scriptcase diagnosis file (Help -> Diagnosis), as you can see in the example below: In this tutorial, we will ...
Instalando o PHP no IIS - Windows 2000/XP
Instalando o PHP no Windows 2000/XP Instalação do PHP Baixar do site http://www.php.net/downloads.php a seguinte versão: PHP 4.x.x zip package Extrair o arquivo php-4.x.x-Win32.zip com WinZip para C: e após a extração renomear a pasta ...
Setting Scriptcase on windows 2003 with IIS 6.0
Pre - Requisites: IIS already installed Download the PHP binary from www.php.net, in this example we are going to use php - .1.1-Win32.zip Installing the PHP: Create a folder for PHP (ex: C:/PHP) and unzip the file php-5.1.1-Win32.zip to this folder. ...
Manual Installation of Scriptcase 8
On this tutorial, we will show how to install Scriptcase for who already have an environment prepared. It is important to always verify if your have all the pre-requirements, of installation, before this procedure. Please access this link Click ...
Setting Up a Proxy in Scriptcase
On this tutorial we’ll show how to configure a Proxy in the Scriptcase: First, let’s go to the menu Options -> Settings. The fields that have to be informed are: Proxy Server – Will be informed the IP for the Proxy Server Proxy Gateway – Will be ...
The size of the backup file is larger than supported by PHP
If some users encounter this problem, perform the following changes below: In php.ini, there is the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives where both are policies that determine the maximum size of files that are uploaded to the server. ...
PHP error level - error_reporting
The error_reporting directive in php.ini defines the levels of errors that PHP will report, the levels of errors are: Errors and Logging Value Constant Description Note 1 E_ERROR (integer) Fatal run-time errors. These indicate errors that can not ...
PHP extensions
In php.ini there is the following extensions: If you would like to use one of those extension, for example MySQL, do the following: Remove the character ";" at the beginning of the extension Ex: extension = php_mysql.dll Save the file and restart the ...
Incompatibility errors with after PHP 7.0
The only errors that may occur are due to codes used in events, libraries, and methods that are not compatible with PHP 7.0. These errors must be corrected manually. 1 - Short open tags The short_open_tag directive tells PHP whether the abbreviated ...
Change Time Zone in the php.ini
Many times we find ourselves in the situation that the time zone configured by the tool does not correspond to our area, so we proceed to change it in the Configuration: Options > Settings: The problem is when the changes are not saved, then, what we ...
Change user "admin" permissions
Many times it happens that we modify the permissions of the admin user, and when wanting to verify some configurations or when wanting to modify some characteristics of the ScriptCase we can not have access since the permissions were changed. So what ...
Configurar IIS7 con PHP 7.0.30
En las instalaciones de Windows los archivos necesarios para funcionar IIS están incluidos en el sistema, aunque no viene instalado el servidor deforma predeterminada 1 - En el Panel de control abre "Programas y características" 2 - En el panel dela ...
Installing Scriptcase in XAMPP with PHP 8.1 - Windows
Xammp Installation XAMPP allows you to easily install Apache on your own computer, regardless of your operating system (Linux, Windows, MAC or Solaris). First, you have to download ...
Connection error: error_profile_test_module
When we deploy a project and we find this type of error: "Connection error: error_profile_test_module" This error normally occurs when you use a different production environment DBMS Type than the development environment. To solve this, access your ...
System error, missing file api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll
This error is solved in two optional ways. A- Installing the software via windows upgrate Microsoft has created Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 on WindowsUpdate KB2999226. So you can install it through Windows Update. 1- Type ...
Restarting Scriptcase's apache
When internal changes are made or alterations are made within the SC, it is essential to restart the apache, so for each operating system is done as follows: Windows: In the option Start> Services> Right click: Restart Apachesc9 Linux: Write the ...
Correcting access error for the Scriptcase database
Sometimes we encounter an error accessing the Scriptcase database itself, as shown in the image below: This problem happens when we change the folder name of the scriptcase to another name, such as "sc". Then, the error happens because the complete ...
Fatal error: Allowed memory size
When such errors occur, it is because the memory_size feature within the server's php.ini must be increased twice or as much as necessary. 1. Find the php.ini file with these sample paths: Linux: /opt/NetMake/v9/components/apache/conf Windows: ...
Restore Backup
To restore the backup within the SC, the following must be done: Inside Options > Settings: Then in Settings > Restore: Then in “Restore ZIP”:
Install multiple versions on the ScriptCase server
When you need to perform tests with previous versions or if you want to perform some procedure, two versions can be installed inside the ScriptCase server. The first step is to download the .zip file from one of the previous versions (you can request ...
When manually updating Scriptcase, or making any changes that affect Scriptcase, the user must save certain files through a Backup. A Backup is required to avoid losing Projects and Settings. Backup There are 3 ways to Backup: Method 1: Through ...
Enable mbstring extension in CentOS
"The PHP server must have the mbstring extension enabled. Contact technical support" To enable the following extension, the following must be done on the command line. apt-get install php-mbstring php-gettext sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring ...
Updating the environment from your Scriptcase 9 to PHP 7.3
Starting from 9.4.016 release, ScriptCase will be able to work also with PHP 7.3. Important note: The PHP migration is not required. You can stil use older versions. ScriptCase will be maintened for PHP 7.0, receving several updates. ...
Verification of libraries installed in Linux production environment
In this tutorial we will verify the libraries installed in our production environment, in case the generation of PDF does not work 1- We go to the folder of our project deployed ../prod/third/wkhtmltopdf/linux-amd64 2- We open the terminal inside ...
Restoration of Scriptcase from the devel folder
If we do not have a Scriptcase backup file, we can restore our data from the devel folder. The corresponding path to that folder is ../NetMake/v9/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel 1- We copy our files from the folder of our old installation and copy it in the ...
Installing Firebird 3.0 service and database administrator in Linux
1- First we must add the repositories for linux by entering the following command in the terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa: mapopa / firebird3.0 2- Proceed to update and inspect if the package was installed for use, insert the following commands: ...
Generating Diagnosis in Development
Generating Diagnosis from the Scriptcase interface First, you need to login to Scriptcase, and go to the Top Menu and click on Help -> Diagnosis. It will load a page containing your server's environment information, to save it click on the link at ...
Request a new license
Some situations require the reinstallation of Scriptcase, in these cases, the user must generate a new serial on our website to register the tool. Follow the steps below to generate a new serial: 1. Log in to the website The entire process to ...
PDF generation displays message: 'Not Found'
Follow the step by step to correct the error "Not Found" when executing the PDF generation. First step: Navigate to the tmp folder in your publication folder. E.g: /publication folder/_lib/tmp Open the .log file that was generated with the name of ...
Solving Source Guardian version problem
In this tutorial, we will show how to solve the problem with Source Guardian version in Scriptcase installations. Select your correspondent operating system to follow the right steps below: Linux Windows MacOS By cryptography incompatibility issues ...
Resetting the Production Environment Password
Important - By doing this procedure, all your configurations of the production environment will be lost. In this article, we will see how to reconfigure the password of the production environment, because there is not an option for “Forgot my ...
Installing PHP 7.0 - Mac
This article describes the PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.4 installation to ScriptCase use. Supported Operating Systems: Mac El Captain Sierra Necessary Files: SourceGuardian Loader: Click Here Setting up PHP Access the terminal (shell) and execute the command ...
Installing PHP 7.0 - Linux
This article describes PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.4 installation to ScriptCase use. Supported Operating Systems: Ubuntu Debian CentOS\RHEL OpenSuse Necessary Files: SourceGuardian Loader (ixed.7.0.lin): Click Here Setting Up PHP - Ubuntu Because of recent ...
Installing Scriptcase with PHP 7.0 on Windows
This article explains PHP 7.0 and Apache 2.4 installation to ScriptCase use. Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008 SP2 2008 R2 SP1 2012 2012 SP2 2016 Windows 7 SP1 Vista SP2 8 8.1 10 Necessary Files: PHP 7.0: Click Here Apache 2.4: Click ...
PHP functions necessary for ScriptCase
In PHP , there are some essential functions for the operation of Scriptcase . On some servers , these functions are disabled , this makes the Scriptcase not work properly. If you're using a shared hosting server, you'll need to contact the host ...
Setting password recovery in Scriptcase
To configure the password recovery, it's necessary to do some steps so that works correctly. To the recovery happens, will be necessary that you have and configure a SMTP server. After login, you'll access the menu Options > Settings > System ...
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