The DataBase Builder is a Scriptcase 'DBMS' (Database Manager System), this tool allows you to create tables, modify the structure of your tables, generate ER diagrams (Entity x Relationships), perform the export of the tables among other things.
Currently DataBase Builder connects only with databases: Oracle, SqlServer (Other than ODBC), Mysql, Postgres, SQLite
In this example, we will show you how to create and export a table using the Database Builder, follow the steps below:
1. To access this tool, we must first be inside a project with the connections previously created.
2. Next, we must access the Database menu> DataBase Builder
3. Next, we must select which connection we want to access, if there is more than one in our project.
4. Next, we will be redirected to the screen below:
In this image, we can see all the options available for data and table manipulation.
The DataBase Builder provides some similar functions to traditional 'DBMSs', allows us, among other things, to create triggers, change user permissions, export tables in different formats, modify table structures.
5. Next, we will create the new table, above the list of existing tables click on New table
6. At the side, the screen for creating the table will be displayed.
In this step, we must inform the name of the table, and the default type for the table.
After creating the table, we will now export it.
7. Above the option to create tables, click Export
8. In the export screen, it is possible to inform the type of output, the format of the generated file.
After making the settings, click export.