Using the sc_confirm macro
In this article, see a practical example of using the sc_confirm macro.
This macro can only be used on PHP buttons created in the toolbar of form and control applications, with the aim of confirming the action's excursion.See how to create a PHP field to update your application's records, thus replacing the tool's update button.
1. Click on the option New Button.
2. Select the PHP type and enter a name.
3. Configure the look of your button
Using the sc_confirm macro
In the PHP button event, created in the previous session, add the lines of code below

The code below serves as the basis for your use. They must be appropriate to the reality of your system.
- // Update the name according to the key field of the table
- $ UPDATE = "UPDATE clients SET name = '" . {Name} . "'WHERE id =" . {id};
- sc_exec_sql ($ UPDATE);
- // Confirms whether you really want to update therecord
- sc_confirm("Do you really want to update the record?");
- // Updates the page
- sc_redir (form_sample_sc_confirm);
sc_confirm macro in operation
When executing the form, change the name and click the button Save Record.
A confirmation message will appear, like the one below.
Clicking Cancel
The action will not be performed.
That is, no event command will be executed.
When you click OK
The action will be performed.
That is, the update command will be executed and the name will be changed in the database.
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