Using friendly URL

Using friendly URL

The friendly URL was included from Scriptcase 7, in order to make the URL, of the applications generated by Scriptcase, cleaner and easier to associate them with applications.

For example, using friendly URLs the link to a Scriptcase application would end like this: ../app/test/client

If we were not using this resource, the URL of this application would end like this: ../app/test/form_client_1/form_client_1.php

Displaying unnecessary information for the user.


To create a friendly URL it is interesting:

- Do not use accents, symbols and special characters like รง;

- Use hyphen (-) to separate words;

- Use lowercase letters;

- Use keywords in the URL;

- Use short URL's, as short as possible.

We will now see how to configure the friendly URL in Scriptcase.

1. After entering the project, go to Project > Properties.


2. Then we will be redirected to the project settings screen, check yes in the option to use index page.

     Note: When creating a project, this option is enabled by default.



3. Then, we must access each application and inform which URL will be used in the Friendly URL field.


4. It is possible to view the applications that contain friendly URL's on your project's home screen.

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