Updating Scriptcase's PHP

Updating Scriptcase's PHP

Currently, the installation of Scriptcase 9.x comes with version 7.0.14 of PHP, unfortunately, this version has a compatibility problem with the new version of authentication of MySQL 8.0, so it is necessary to perform the PHP update so the connection between Scriptcase and MySQL 8 can be performed.

In this tutorial we will see how to update the PHP in the following systems:  

  • Windows   
  • Linux

Updating your PHP in the Windows

Follow the steps below to update PHP from your Windows environment.

Before start the updating process it's necessary to verify the PHP architecture, so to find it we need to access the url:

Download the PHP according to your architecture.

After download:

1 -  Stop the apache service;
2 -  End phpcgi processes that are running;
3 -  Rename the php folder in /NetMake/v9/components to php_old;
4 -  Extract the zip in /NetMake/v9/components;
5 -  Copy the php.ini from php_old to php;
6 -  Start apache;

After updating the PHP is necessary to create a new user in MySQL, please follow the tutorial to create a new user .

Updating your PHP in the Linux

Follow the steps below to update PHP from your Linux environment.

Before start the updating process it's necessary to verify the PHP architecture, so to find it we need to access the url:

Download the PHP according to your architecture.

After download:

1 -  Stop the apache service;
2 -  Extract the zip in  /opt/NetMake/v9/components 

3 -  Copy the folder  Apache  that is inside the folder  lin_php_x , paste it to  /opt/NetMake/v9/components   and replace the old.
4 -  Start apache;

Alert After updating the PHP is necessary to create a new user in MySQL,  please follow the tutorial to create a new user .

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