Spam Filters

Spam Filters

Identify unsolicited bulk emails, more commonly known as spam, and send them to a separate folder (Spam Box) or automatically delete them from your email account.

Step 1 

Logged into your cPanel in the “EMAIL” tab, locate the item “Spam Filters”

Step 2  

On this screen, in the option “Process new emails and mark them as spam” activate this option so that the server analyzes suspicious messages and marks them as spam. The server scores messages as a filter to determine whether or not they are spam.

Step 3

The server's pre-defined threshold score is 5, but you can change it by clicking on “ Spam Threshold Score “, and set the score that best fits your needs.

The score is analyzed in descending order where the lower the score value, the more strict the system will be with that email..

Step 4 

You can also check the option “automatically delete new spam”, as the name says, it will delete any message that is defined as spam, so be very careful when activating this option.

When activated a success message should be displayed in the top right corner of your screen.

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