Setting Scriptcase on windows 2003 with IIS 6.0

Setting Scriptcase on windows 2003 with IIS 6.0

Pre - Requisites:

  • IIS already installed
  • Download the PHP binary from, in this example we are going to use php -

Installing the PHP:
Create a folder for PHP (ex: C:/PHP) and unzip the file to this folder. Inside this folder create another one called session (c:/php/session).
At c:/php change the name of php.ini-dist to php.ini.
in the php.ini:
extension_dir = "c:/php/ext"
session.save_path = "c:/php/session"
uncomment the php_gd2.dll module and the one you use in your database (like php_mysql.dll or php_pgsql.dll)

Setting the Permissions PHP:
This will be done more than once during the process of setting Scriptcase on IIS.
On windows explorer, click with the right button on the PHP folder, then click in Security.

Click in Advanced to search the IIS user.

Click in the option Find Now to see all users.


Add the IIS user (it must be like: IUSR_servername).

Allow full control for this user.

Setting the IIS to use the PHP extension:
we can configure this using PHP-CGI or ISAPI, here we'll show it using ISAPI, however if you use CGI it can be done the same way.

Select the website, then right click and select properties.


On the home directory folder, click in Configuration.

Click in Add, to create a new extension for PHP.

On the PHP directory locate the file php5isapi.dll and inform the extension as .php

Enabling the ISAPI extension on IIS:
On IIS, click on Web Service Extensions,

then on Add a New Web Service Extensions,

give it a name and select the file php5isapi.dll on the php folder.


Installing the Zend Optimizer:
During the Zend Optimizer installation, select Web Server - IIS6 (Internet Information Service) and inform the location of the php.ini file (C:/php/php.ini).


Installing Scriptcase:

Download the Scriptcase ZIP file (windows). Unzip it to the root folder of your web server (c:\inetpub\wwwroot). Right click the scriptcase folder, then go to Sharing and Security. You will set the permissions just like in the PHP folder.



Grant permissions to the user Internet Guest Account


Do the same thing to the windows file cmd.exe, located in the directory system32.

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