Security module password recovery error
To fix the error during the security module password recovery process, you need to follow the steps below:
Only available when using the option to email the change new password link.
1- Access the application app_change_pswd
By default, when generating the module, all applications are inside the security folder and with the prefix app_, searching the list of applications for the name: app_change_pswd, it should be possible to access it.
It is necessary to check if the prefix used to create the module was "app_", if it was another one, look only for the name change_pswd
2- Access the onLoad event
With the application open inside Scriptcase, access the onLoad option inside the "Events" folder, as shown in the following image:
3- Change the code
Change the current code to the following:
- if(isset([act_code]) && !empty([act_code]))
- {
- sc_field_display({old_pswd}, 'off');
- sc_field_no_validate({old_pswd});
- sc_btn_display("exit","off")
- }
- else
- {
- sc_field_display({old_pswd}, 'on');
- sc_btn_display("exit","on");
- }
4- Generate the application
After replacing the code, you must generate the source of the application, so that it can be used normally in the correct way.
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