PHP functions necessary for ScriptCase

PHP functions necessary for ScriptCase

In PHP , there are some essential functions for the operation of Scriptcase . 

On some servers , these functions are disabled , this makes the Scriptcase not work properly. 

If you're using a shared hosting server, you'll need to contact the host administrator to ask if he can made the necessary changes for Scriptcase functionalities. We recommend that you use a Dedicated Host.

Following is the list of functions that can not be blocked , if you want to install Scriptcase on the server:

  • dir
  • readdir
  • opendir
  • eval
  • exec
  • set_time_limit
  • ini_alter
  • ini_set
  • ini_restore
  • php_uname
  • popen
  • proc_close
  • proc_get_status
  • proc_open
  • shell_exec
  • system
  • copy
  • move_uploaded_file

For those wishing to place announcements via FTP , there are some functions used by Scriptcase to perform this type of publication.

Following is the list of functions that can not is disabled in PHP, for those who want to perform publication via FTP :

  • ftp_connect
  • ftp_exec
  • ftp_get
  • ftp_login
  • ftp_nb_fput
  • ftp_put
  • ftp_raw
  • ftp_rawlist

Note : The functions listed , not impede the functioning of Scriptcase only prevents the realization of a publication via FTP.

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