JetBackup 5 - Home Directory : How to restore file and folders
Jetbackup 5 has a new interface, with better usability and new options, making it easier to search for specific items.
In this article we will see how to restore files and folders from a cPanel account.
First we must access cPanel and navigate to the JetBackup 5 item.
After the JetBackup 5 splash screen has loaded, we must access the Home Directory option
In this step, we must select the desired backup according to the date.
A new button will appear, called Change Files Selection, with this option we can choose which files and folders will be restored or selected for download.
If you want to restore or download all files and folders, just skip this step.
For this article we will select some files and folders through the Change Files Selection button
On this screen, we can select the desired files and folders. We can also navigate inside a folder by clicking on its name.
After selecting all the desired items, we can proceed by clicking the Select Files button
We now have two items selected, a file and a folder.
As we can see next to the backup date.
At this point, we can proceed with restoring the files through the Restore button or request the files to be downloaded through the Download button.
For this article, we will use the Restore button.
By clicking on the Restore button, we can see the following screen, and proceed with the restoration by clicking on the Restore Selected Items button
At this point, we just have to wait for the restoration to complete. It can be followed through the Queue option.
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