How to perform a publication

How to perform a publication

A publication is the act of making external applications made to your project in the Scriptcase, so that they may be accessed by in the environment approval. Basically, the procedure is the last stage of development, where the user Scriptcase find all the assist to implement the project in a web server, this which in turn must be duly configured to ensure smooth operation of applications.


Scriptcase has two different forms for performing of this process, both of are detailed below:

We recommend that the PHP version for the Production environment should be the same as the Development environment, due to compatibilities of the PHP functions between their different versions. 

Typical publication

It's the kind of publication that automatically configures the production environment, with all the common libraries used by applications. If you ever need to customize the directories of the publication, for example up the image directory and the temp directory, this type of publication is not recommended, seeing that this type these directories are configured with a default Scriptcase, preventing the customization of the same, to accomplish a publication that gives freedom to choose of the directories recommend that you use mode of publication "Advanced".


To know how to proceed in a Typical Publication click here.


Advanced Publication


It's the kind of publication that gives the user possibility to choose directories project default in the ScriptCase, such as: Images Directory, Document Directory, Directory Production (Common Libraries) and so on. This type of publication is recommended in cases in which it is necessary to use specific directories of your web server, the default directories to be of the publication.


To know how to proceed in a Advanced Publication.

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