How to create a subdomain in cPanel

How to create a subdomain in cPanel

Creating a subdomain in cPanel is a simple and straightforward process.

Here are the detailed steps to create a subdomain using cPanel:

  1. Access cPanel:

    • Log in to your cPanel account. Usually, the URL to access cPanel is
  2. Locate the Domains Section:

    • On the cPanel home screen, look for the section called "Domains".

  3. Create the Subdomain:

    • You will see a form to create a new subdomain.
    • Click the "Create a New Domain" button to add the subdomain. cPanel will configure the subdomain and create the corresponding directory on the server.
      • Subdomain: Enter the name of the subdomain you want to create. For example, if you want to create
      • Domain: If you have multiple domains in your account, select the main domain to which the subdomain will be added.
      • Document Root: This field is automatically filled with a suggested path, such as /public_html/blog. You can leave this path or change it as needed.
  4. Configure the Subdomain:

    • After creating the subdomain, you may need to add files to the subdomain's directory (/public_html/blog) so that the content is displayed when someone accesses the subdomain.
    • If necessary, configure any additional DNS settings or adjust the subdomain's settings as specified by your hosting provider.

Note: Typically, subdomains are active within a few minutes, but it can take up to 24-48 hours for them to fully propagate.

That's it! Now you have a subdomain configured in your cPanel. If you need additional features, such as SSL certificates for the subdomain, you can configure these in the "SSL/TLS" section of cPanel.

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