Some users with environments installed before Scriptcase release 9.8.007 can have problems downloading files using Amazon S3.
This problem occurs only in Scriptcase installed in Windows OS.
To fix this problem you need to follow the step by step:
1. You need to download the file
2. Extract the file cacert.pem and move to directory: components > php > extras
Directory example in an automatic installation
C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\components\php\extras
3. open the file php.ini in a text editor
4. Search by curl.cainfo. In this line change the value by informing the path to the cacert.pem file
Example of what it should look like:
curl.cainfo = "C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\components\php\extras\cacert.pem"
5. - Search for OpenSSL.cafile and enter the path to the cacert.pem file.

To uncomment the OpenSSL.cafile line just remove the semicolon (;)
Example of what it should look like:
openssl.cafile= "C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\components\php\extras\cacert.pem"
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