How to change the width of your application.

How to change the width of your application.

There's 2 main way's of changing the width of the application.

1. The first one is the more intuitive option, first go to Layout on your application side menu and click on Pages

1.1. In this screen you shall see the minimum and maximum tab width's field, choose a value that suits you and that's it:

2. The second method is a bit more less intuitive, first, you may enter your application and look for the area you want to change:

2.1. Mine is rather thin, i want to make it a the size of the screen. For that we'll have to click with de RMB and click on Inspect:

2.2. You need to find your applications class, just like this:

2.3. My class is called "scFormBorder", and with that go to Events > OnScriptInit, on your side menu:

2.4. Now you may type this code:

2.5. Mine will look like this:

2.6.  You can change your pixels value freely, until you find a perfect fit.

2.7. This is the final result:

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