How to change the timezone of your host?

How to change the timezone of your host?

To change the time zone of your hosting, you can follow these steps:
1. Access the cPanel:
  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
2. Locate the PHP Selector:
  1. Find and click on "Select PHP Version" or "MultiPHP Manager," depending on the version of cPanel you are using.

3. Select the PHP Version:
  1. If you clicked on "Select PHP Version," choose the PHP version in use and click on "Options."

4. Configure date.timezone:
  1. In "Select PHP Version," scroll down until you find the date.timezone option.
  2. If you are in "MultiPHP Manager," go to the PHP settings section and look for date.timezone.
5. Set the Time Zone:
  1. Set the value of date.timezone to the desired time zone. For example, for Recife's time zone, you would set it to America/Recife.

6.Save the Changes:
  1. After making the change, make sure to save the settings.
Time Zone Examples
Here are some examples of time zones you can use:
  1. America/Recife - Recife
  2. America/Sao_Paulo - São Paulo
  3. America/New_York - New York
  4. Europe/London - London
  5. Asia/Tokyo - Tokyo
If you need more details about supported time zones, you can check the list of time zones in PHP.

To ensure that the change was applied correctly, you can create a simple PHP file that displays the current date and time.
For example:

When you access this file through your browser, it should show the date and time in the configured time zone.

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