Generating Diagnosis in Development

Generating Diagnosis in Development

Generating Diagnosis from the Scriptcase interface

First, you need to login to Scriptcase, and go to the Top Menu and click on Help -> Diagnosis.


It will load a page containing your server's environment information, to save it click on the link at the top of the page

"Log file successfully create, Click here, save the file and send to NetMake!"



It will load an HTML page containing the information from ScriptCase, PHP, WEB Server and more...


To send this log to NetMake it is necessary to save the file and to send by email.

Generating Diagnosis directly from URL

You can access the diagnosis using the URL as well, but you don't need to use ScriptCase for this. Type in the address bar the path to your ScriptCase / diagnosis.php

(http:// + Server + Port + Scriptcase Folder + 'diagnosis.php').


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