Generating Credentials for Authentication with Facebook

Generating Credentials for Authentication with Facebook

In this article, we will learn how to generate credentials (App ID and Secret) for authentication and access to our project developed in ScriptCase through Facebook.

1 - The first step is to create a Facebook account as a "developer". We need to access the link below to create this account, and then click "Log in", as highlighted in the image below:

2 - Let's go to the "Sign up for Facebook" option, according to the first one below, and then fill in the fields with our data and click on "Sign up", as shown in the second image:

3 - You will be asked for a confirmation code to validate the registered email that we will receive through the email itself, so just insert the code and click on Continue.

If the page is redirected to the Facebook social network, just exit and enter the Facebook Developer's page link again to log in with the created account credentials, and the redirect will be made to the create a Facebook for Developers account page.

4 - On the Facebook for Developers page, just click on "Continue", and follow the next steps until finished. In the "Verify account" step you will be asked for your cell phone number to confirm your account via SMS, and in the "About you" step, we will choose the "Developer" option.

5 - On the main page, we'll go to the "Create App" option, and then we'll choose the "Consumer" option as the type of application to be created, and finally, in the "Details" step, we'll name it view for our app, we'll provide a contact email for the app, click "Create App", and enter the password we created at the time of account registration.

6 - On the page to add products to our application, let's choose the option "Facebook Login", clicking on "Set Up", as shown in the image below:

7 - We will select the option "Web" as the means of access that we intend to configure this authentication, we will define the URL of our website and click on "Save":

8 - Finally, on the left side menu, we go to the option "Settings -> Basic", where we will be able to view our application ID and its secret key to connect with the ScriptCase application (in the authentication of the application type Control, ie in the security module). Remembering that we must define again the domain of our application where authentication will be performed for access to applications developed in ScriptCase.

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