Fixing the problem of Zendid Execute Permission

Fixing the problem of Zendid Execute Permission

Some users receive a problem related to permission Zendid, that block them to register their Scriptcase.

The error can be verified at your Scriptcase diagnosis file (Help -> Diagnosis), as you can see in the example below:

In this tutorial, we will see how to solve this case.

WARNING: Remember to do a backup before executing any changes.

1 - First of all, make sure that you have given all permissions recursively on your SC folder.

  • In a dedicated Web Server, type this command on your terminal:

sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/NetMake/v9/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/lib/third/zend

  • In a Host Web Server, type this command on your terminal:

chmod -R 755 /public_html/scriptcase/devel/lib/third/zend

2 - Next, go to the path that we just gave permission.

  • cd path_to/scriptcase/devel/lib/third/zend

3 - Copy zendid.linux file inside the same folder and rename the copy to zendid (without any extension).

  • mv zendid.linux zendid

If you are using a 64 Bit Linux, it will be necessary to use the zendid.linux64 file instead of zendid.linux.

Ps: If you wish, it's also possible to download the zendid directly from the Zend website (click here),  however, it's not recommended to extract in a Windows environment and copy to a Linux, and vice versa.

If after doing all these procedures the problem still remains, verify in the diagnosis file if the function exec is listed in the disable_functions directive from PHP.

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