In this article, you will see how to solve the stuck session problem when trying to log in to Scriptcase.
When trying to disconnect the user, nothing happens, because the session is stuck in the table responsible for storing this information.
1 - Download the sqlite.php file through the link below and place the file in Scriptcase's wwwroot folder
2 - Open the sqlite.php file directly from your browser:
3 - There will be a field where the database path must be inserted, the full path to the nm_scriptcase.db file must be passed and then click on the submit button
Ex: Linux - /var/www/html/scriptcase/devel/conf/scriptcase/nm_scriptcase.db
Windows - C:\Program Files\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\conf\scriptcase\nm_scriptcase.db
This will clear the session in the database and you will now be able to log into Scriptcase.
4 - Go back to the login screen and log in to Scriptcase.