File Transfer via FTP

File Transfer via FTP

1. Obtain FTP Access Credentials
  • Host: usually the address of your server or something like
  • User: provided by your hosting provider.
  • Password: set by you or provided by the provider.
  • Port: usually port 21 for FTP.
2. Choose an FTP Client

There are several FTP clients you can use. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • FileZilla (available for Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  • Cyberduck (available for macOS and Windows)
  • WinSCP (available for Windows)
3. Connect to the FTP Server
  1. Open the FTP client (we'll use FileZilla as an example).
  2. Enter the access credentials:
    • Host: type the address of your FTP server.
    • Username: enter your FTP username.
    • Password: enter your FTP password.
    • Port: type 21 if not specified automatically.
  3. Click "Quickconnect" (or similar).
4. Navigate to the Destination Folder
  • In the FTP client's interface, you will see two main windows. The left window shows your local files (on your computer) and the right window shows the files on the server.
  • Navigate to the destination folder on the server (usually public_html or www for websites).
5. Upload the Files
  • Select the local files you want to upload.
  • Drag and drop these files into the server window in the destination folder.
  • The FTP client will start uploading the files. Depending on the file size and your connection speed, this may take some time.
6. Verification
  • Once the upload is complete, verify that the files were uploaded correctly by accessing your site or folder in the browser.
Additional Tips
  • Organization: keep your files organized in folders for easier navigation and maintenance.
  • File Permissions: in some cases, you may need to adjust file and folder permissions on the server (this can be done in the FTP client).
  • Backup: always keep a backup of your local files before making major changes.
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