Sample Bank Billet

Sample Bank Billet

In this tutorial we will learn how to create a bank slip application in Scriptcase, the bar code used will be 2 out of 5 in the Febraban Collection pattern.

(The file is available for download at the end).




  • HTML file with the billet layout.




  • Access the Scriptcase template option.



  1.  Click on New Template;
  2. Select the type as Free Format;
  3. Upload the HTML file.



  • Set the orientation of the query to free format.




  • Select the free format template, in this case the billet.



  • Create the type 2 barcode field of 5.




  • Create a text field for a digitable line.



  • Now let's create the M_codigobarras method for configuring the barcode.



$ free - Variable that contains the 25 free positions of the bar code, in the example the free part does not have the 25 positions, but the macro is complete with 0 (Zeros).
$ valor_boleto - formatted to work to two decimal places (truncates the value).
$ data - formatted in yyyymmdd, as it must be used in that format.
After formatting the values, we will use the sc_lin_cod_barra_banco macro to generate the barcode.


{codigobarras} - Type 2 barcode field of 5.
'409' - Bank code (FEBRABAN).
'9' - Currency Code (FEBRABAN).
$ valor_boleto - Document value.
$ free - Free part (FEBRABAN).
$ data - Expiration Date.


  • In this step, we will associate the existing fields in the query with the variables defined in the free format (HTML file used).





  • Auxiliary application (Order inquiry), for generating the ticket according to the order.



  • Billet generated.


We held a live showing the creation of the billet on 06/19/2015. The video with the recording of the seminar can be seen on this youtube link:


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