To use the login functionality with Google Authentication in Scriptcase, it is necessary to have the Google Identity Service previously configured and the "ClientID" and "Secret" keys available for use.
In this article, we will learn how to configure it and obtain these keys to use in the integration with Google Authentication.
Setting Up and Configuring Google Identity Service
2. At the top of the screen, click "Select Project" and choose an existing project or click "New Project":
3. In the side menu, go to "APIs and services > OAuth Permission Screen":
4. In "App Information," define the name and an email for support. Then, click "Next":
5. Under "Public," select "External":
6. In "Contact Information," enter your email and click "Next":
7. Accept the terms and click "To Create":
8. In the side menu, go to "APIs & Services > Library":
9. Search for Cloud Identity and click "Activate":
10. Again in "APIs & Services > OAuth Permission Screen," go to "Clients > Create Client":
11. In "Application Type," select "Web Application" and choose a name:
12. In "Authorized Redirect URIs," enter your domain with the path to the application that will use Google Identity Platform and click "To Create":
13. Now, just click the download button to view the "Client ID" and "Secret":
In this article, we learned how to create and configure Google Identity Service to be later used in Scriptcase via Google Authentication. To learn how to configure and use this feature in Scriptcase, read the tutorial on integrating with Google Authentication.
Best regards and see you later!