This tutorial shows you how to obtain access credentials for S3 storage.
1) Create a new AWS account, and then log in as root User, entering the email and password that were informed in the registration.

If you already have an account, proceed to the next step.
2) After logging in, create a user by going to Services and typing IAM in the search box. Mouse over IAM to select the Users option.

3) Click Add Users to add a new user.

4) Enter a valid username and select the AWS access type as programmatic access.
5) Select Directly attach existing policies, then select AdministratorAccess so that the user is allowed to access AWS services.

6) In this tab there is no need to do anything, just click on Next:Review

7) In this area you can check the user that is about to be created, just click on Create User.

8) User created, the access key ID and the secret access key will be shown (necessary credentials for creating the S3 API with Scriptcase).

9) After that, click Services and type in the search box S3. Mouse over S3 and click on Buckets.
10) Click Create Bucket.
11) Define a valid bucket name and select a region.
NOTE: For the example there was no other configuration for creating the bucket, just keep creating it by clicking Create bucket.
12) Now, just access Tools->API in Scriptcase, and click Add new:
Then, fill in the information described below:
1. Define a name for API 2. Mode in which the API will be created, the Project option must be chosen 3. API Gateway, in this case Amazon S3 will be chosen 4. Add API key made available on IAM user creation 5. Add Secret API made available on IAM user creation 6. Just enter the region code 7. Enter the name of the bucket created in S3 8. Click Save
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