Dividing fields into blocks
In a block we can separate in a previously organized way the fields that belong to the Form. In this style of organization, we can create several blocks and give the Form a more flexible and pleasant layout for the end user.
For you to create a block just click on Blocks as shown in the image below.
After clicking on Blocks, the screen below will be displayed. As a default, there is already a block that was created along with the Form. This block is called initially with the same name as the created application, but we can modify it by changing the name of the block. To create new Blocks we must click on the Create New Block button, as shown in the selection in the figure below.
After clicking Create New Block you will be asked to choose a name for the New Block. To customize the layout of the Form, we can edit some properties of the Block. After making all the necessary edits, we click on the save button to apply the Block configuration that we just created.
After clicking save, two blocks will be displayed instead of just one (Figure Below).
Now we click on the
Fields Positioning item, to choose which fields will be part of each block.
In this screen you can see that the
Blocks are more to the left, and the fields that belong to the
Block are below it and a little more to the right. In this case we have
releaseId, companyid, deptid, accountid and valuerelease being part of the first Block and the remaining fields being part of the second
See how the
Form was after the creation of
As you can see, the
Blocks can give the
Form a more
pleasant View in addition to helping the end user to better understand the application.
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