In Scriptcase, default values help to standardize project information, so it is much faster to create some items since there is no need to worry about features that will be standardized thanks to this important feature in our tool. Below you can see what Scriptcase offers as default values and how you can use them.
In the "Project" menu, access the "Default Values" option.
On the first screen, it is possible to edit the first informations, such as the name of the your project Logo, the number of records that will be displayed in the queries to set the pager and other information related to the consultation screens. The options are very intuitive, once set the entire project will use them as standard.
In the next tab, it is possible to edit information of Grid type applications, items such as alignment, items related to the Schema and even the buttons that will be available can be set using this tab. When you finish editing, just click the “Update Data” button.
In the next tab, items related to Forms can be edited. Information such as table width, Tabulation, Focus on fields with errors and Validators can be configured here.
In the control tab, it is possible to configure the defaults related to the error messages in the project, this way it is simpler for the user to understand a possible error message regardless of which page it is.
In Filters it's possible to configure all the behavior of the filter component that exists in the project. Several fields have the option of editing and again the intuitiveness of the screen ends up being an important differential when it comes to standardizing the information of your project.
In the Calendars option, it's possible to edit the buttons that will or will not appear on the component.
In the Tab, Menu and Dashboard fields you can adjust Alignments and templates quickly and simply.
In the HTML Editor tab you have the option to edit the HTML Editor field used in the system, Location, button alignment, status bars and the buttons that will be displayed on the component can be edited here.
In the last tab (Library) it is possible to use a separate library in Scriptcase, they will provide methods that will possibly assist you in extra activities in the tool.