Creating your credentials in Mercado Pago

Creating your credentials in Mercado Pago

  1. Access the development panel of your applications.

2. Enter creation settings.

3)  Enter the creation settings.

* Application name: Name to refer to your application. * Type of payment to integrate: Online payments. * Using any e-commerce platform: No * Which product you are integrating: Transparent Checkout. 4) After creation, return to the previous page and select the name of your created application.

5) Activate your credentials in production or use credentials for the test environment.

6) In the test credentials, it is only necessary to use the Access Token for configuration within the creation of the API in scriptcase.

7) Enabling credentials in production. Click the "Enable Credentials" button.

8) Enter the settings to activate your credentials.

9) Once enabled, it is only necessary to use the Access Token for configuration within the creation of the API in scriptcase.

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