Configuring SMS API in ScriptCase

Configuring SMS API in ScriptCase

In ScriptCase, we can configure and enable 3 types of SMS API natively. They are: Twilio, Plivo and Ckickatell.

For this article, we will use the Twilio SMS API as an example, where we have the possibility to perform a free trial, as well as the ease of obtaining the necessary credentials for the configuration.

Account Creation

Our first step is to create an account on the official Twilio website. Little information is required, and it's very simple, just go to the "Subscribe" option in the upper right corner of the site:

After creating the account, it will be necessary to verify the registered email address, and soon after, a verification through a code that is sent to the mobile number that we inform before verification.

After verification, Twilio will ask for some information such as which product we intend to use on the platform (in this case it is SMS), and which service from that product will be used (it will depend on the context of each developer). After we enter this information, we will be redirected to the main dashboard.

On the day of creation of this article, the value of the free trial offered by Twilio for using the SMS API is $15.50 (fifteen dollars and fifty cents).

Getting the Authentication ID and Token as well as the test number

The information required for ScriptCase to enable the Twilio SMS API are:
- Auth ID;
- Auth Token;
- From (From the number).

Right on the main Dashboard we were able to identify this information, the only difference being in obtaining the number that we will insert in the field "From (From number) in ScriptCase, where we will need to go to the option "Get a Trial Number -> Choose the number" to obtain this test number, as highlighted in the image below:

Enabling the API in ScriptCase

To enable the Twilio SMS API in ScriptCase, go to the "Tools -> API" option, which is located in the tool's top horizontal menu:

Let's go to the "Add new" option to create a new API profile:

In the "Gateway" field, we will select the "Twilio" option found in the SMS block. In addition to this field, we can define the name we will give this API profile in ScriptCase, in addition to the usage mode, whether it will be Public, Project or User:

We enter the Auth ID and Auth Token we got from our account on the site, plus the number generated for the free trial, and click "Save":

Once we save, an API is already available, as defined in the image below:

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