

With this item it is possible to configure automatic responses for all emails received, ideal for confirming receipt, informing travel periods, for example.

Firstly, let's access your cPanel panel.

Step 1

After accessing cPanel, go to the Email section, there look for the item 'Automatic responders'

Step 2

On this screen you can create a new respondent by clicking on 'Add automatic respondent' or add an existing respondent where the 'Current respondents' option is displayed.

Step 3

To add a new respondent, you must now configure the settings for sending the automatic response:

Character set: UTF-8 is defined by default

Range: According to your needs.

E-mail: The e-mail that will be registered for the automatic response.

Domain: The domain from which you will create the responder.

From: Name of person responsible for the email.

Step 4 

Now define when it starts:

Start: With options to activate immediately or customize a start date.

Stop: With options to deactivate immediately or customize a deactivation date.